08.09.2025 - 11.09.2025
RE+ Expo 2025
Turnkey booth
10.900 DKK per m2 with grant* **
Poster booth
38.150 DKK with grant* **
Co-exhibitor registration
7.500 DKK
Coordination fee
DKK for members 5.500 DKK
*We will apply for grant from the Trade Council (Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs). All participating companies are obligated to fill in provided grant formular with or without grant receipt (in accordance to EU de-minimis requirements).
Grant can be applied by companies holding a Danish VAT number. Participant fee/Invoices to be billed and paid to the Danish company / VAT Number to obtain grant.
** If your company do not wish to apply for grant the prices are 16,900 DKK per m2 for a Turnkey booth and 50,000 DKK for a Poster booth.
Las Vegas, USAParticipating companies:
- Elpress A/S
- KK Wind Solutions A/S

Søren Rasmussen
Managing Director
+45 4022 0311