Bioenergy delegation to Poland
15.750 DKK person/company with grant* **
3.900,- DKK per additional person
Min. of 10 participating companies
*We applied for and received grant from the Trade Council (Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs). All participating companies are obligated to fill in provided grant formular with or without grant receipt (in accordance to EU de-minimis requirements).
Grant can be applied by companies holding a Danish VAT number. Participant fee/Invoices to be billed and paid to the Danish company / VAT Number to obtain grant.
** If your company do not wish to apply for grant or grant is not given to this event the price is 23,500 DKK person/company.
PolandDanish Energy Export and the Royal Embassy of Denmark in Warsaw invite you to explore opportunities in the Polish bioenergy sector. Join our market visit from 18.-20. March 2025.
In 2020 there was 335 biogas plants in Poland and several of them needs upgrading. Recording to ”Energy Policy of Poland 2040” biogas and -metan production is essential for the transition to reduce C02-emission in Poland. Nearly 800 new plants are expected to be established before 2023.
At the beginning of 2023 the Polish Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate and persons from some Polish City Councils visited Denmark for inspiration, which means, that there is significant Polish interest in inviting Danish bioenergy suppliers to Poland.
The program for this market visit will be a mix of meetings with local bioenergy focused companies, potential companies and collaborators, stakeholders and networking dinners. We will aim to arrange pitch meetings and site visits at both smaller and larger biogas plants that need help to handle their energy production.
Program will follow.
If you wish to hear more about the trip or sign up please contact: