CCUS/Hydrogen Market visit to NRW
Price per person: DKK 8.750*
Additional participant from the same company: DKK 1.000
*We applied for and received grant from the Trade Council (Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs). All participating companies are obligated to fill in provided grant formular with or without grant receipt (in accordance to EU de-minimis requirements). Grant can be applied by companies holding a Danish VAT number. Participant fee / Invoices to be billed and paid to the Danish company / VAT Number to obtain grant.
North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW), GermanyDanish Industry, Embassy in Berlin and Danish Energy Export are organising a two-part event focusing on CCUS and green transition cooperation between Germany and Denmark.
Carbon, Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) and Hydrogen is gaining growing attention in Germany. With its large share of big CO2 capture sources and a growing demand for emission reductions and need for green hydrogen, Germany is harbouring great potential for CO2 capture technologies, transport, and storage, as well as importer of Danish green hydrogen.
Why join:
- Gain knowledge on the German policies on CCUS and green hydrogen.
- Position your company as leading in the future development of CCUS and green hydrogen.
- Get the possibility to build partnerships with key public and private stakeholders within the German CCUS and H2 economy.
Preliminary Programme:
Wednesday 11 December
Please note the morning programme will be in German
Participation in Specialised event organised by H2.NRW Hydrogen Control Centre: Hydrogen Imports for North Rhine-Westphalia
Registration and Welcome (Haus der Unternehmer/Unternehmerverbandsgruppe e.V Düsseldorfer Landstr. 7, 47249 Duisburg)
Welcome and Thematic Introduction by Christian Mildenberger, Managing Director, NRW.Energy4Climate
Scientific classification Felix Matthes, Senior Researcher, Öko-Institut e.V.
Markus Exenberger, Executive Director, H2Global
Project presentations by international hydrogen producers
- Portugal: Daniel McArthur, Madoqua Renewables
- Denmark: David Dupont-Mouritzen, HØST PtX
- Canada: Fabian Hinz, ABO Energy
Perspective of National Hydrogen Players
- Simon Schulte, Head of Business Development, Uniper Hydrogen
- Hans-Jörn Weddige, Head of Climate Funds Strategies, Thyssenkrupp Steel
Networking Lunch
Site Visit to Thyssenkrupp Steel in Duisburg (one of the biggest steel production facilities in Europe).
Informal dinner for Danish Delegation
Thursday 12 December (half day)
Meeting with The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf. At Design Offices Düsseldorf Fürst und Friedrich, Fürstenwall 172
Parallel roundtable discussions (depending on composition of the Danish delegation)
- Framework conditions and infrastructure for green hydrogen between Denmark and Germany
- expansion of and cross-border cooperation within Carbon Capture and Storage
Lunch and thank you for today

Dorota Knudsen